7 Virtual Interviewing Tips for Hiring Managers

Written by Team VODIUM | Jun 5, 2023 1:00:00 PM

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual interviewing—including video call interviews, one-way interviews, and automated phone interviews—has become the new norm for many organizations. However, while remote hiring has its advantages, it also poses unique challenges for hiring managers.

In this article let’s take a look at seven virtual interviewing tips that can be used by hiring managers when conducting interviews via video conferencing software. 

How to hire using a remote virtual interview in 2023

Tip 1: Test your technology ahead of time 

Have you ever had to awkwardly ask a candidate to repeat themselves because your sound wasn't working? Or had to rapidly adjust the height of your laptop to appear on camera? Last minute technical difficulties can be stressful and impact the demeanor you bring to the interview. 

Taking the time to test your technology ahead of an interview can save you time on the day and prevent unwanted interruptions and communication difficulties. Hopefully, your candidates will take the time to do the same!

Similarly, given that virtual interviewing relies on a secure internet connection, it’s wise to check this is functioning well on the day/s you’re scheduled to carry out your interviews. If you split your time between a home office and an in-person work location, it may be worth opting to interview in the location with the most reliable internet connection. 

It’s also important to test your equipment at least 30 minutes before the interview. This can be as simple as testing your microphone, checking webcam quality, and fine-tuning speaker sound just before an interview. You can also add an overlay or background at this stage, and adjust your name and/or title on the videoconferencing platform if necessary. 

It’s also a good idea to get a feel for how the video conferencing software works and familiarize yourself with any features that might come in handy during the interview. 

Tip 2: Send clear instructions to your candidates 

Interviews, whether it be in-person or virtual, can be stressful for candidates and exhausting for hiring managers. Sending clear instructions to candidates can help ease some of that stress and tension for both parties and make sure that candidates know exactly what to expect. Plus, you won't have to spend the first five minutes of the interview explaining how to use the video conferencing software (because let's face it, we've all been there).

Clear instructions ensure that candidates are well-prepared for the interview. This could include, as relevant:

  • Dress code
  • Interview format and approximate length
  • Who will be present (for panel interviews) 
  • Any materials the candidate should have on hand (like their resume or portfolio)
  • Any elements the candidate should pre-prepare (such as a presentation)

By providing this information in advance, you can not only help candidates feel more confident but it can also help eliminate any confusion and ambiguity from the get-go which can lead to a better interview experience for everyone involved. Plus, you won't have to deal with any last-minute scrambling for documents or, worse, wardrobe malfunctions!

Tip 3: Make use of the virtual RSVP function

We all know how frustrating it can be to schedule an interview only to have the candidate ghost you at the last minute. Candidates can confirm their attendance by using the RSVP function, which can help reduce the likelihood of no-shows. As a result, you won't have to spend time waiting around for someone who isn't going to show up. 

The RSVP function is also a great tool when it comes to keeping track of who is attending the interview and when. This can be especially helpful if you're conducting multiple interviews in one day or have a large pool of candidates to interview. By using the RSVP function, you can not only easily see who has confirmed their attendance and plan your schedule accordingly but you also won't have to worry about accidentally scheduling two interviews at the same time (which, let's be honest, is a scheduling nightmare).

Furthermore, this function comes in handy when you need to adjust your schedule due to any unexpected changes. For instance, if a candidate needs to reschedule or cancel their interview, you'll be able to see their response in the RSVP function and adjust your schedule according without having to spend time emailing back and forth trying to find a new time that works for everyone

Tip 4: Standardize the interview format to ensure a fair assessment of candidates 

No candidate is the same. Therefore, it can be difficult to compare candidates when they're all answering different questions or are being assessed in different ways. By standardizing your interview format, you can ensure that every candidate is being evaluated based on the same criteria, which can make your assessment process more objective and fair. 

For instance, by using the same questions and format for each candidate, you can compare their responses and qualifications more systematically. By using a consistent format, you can help eliminate potential sources of bias like unconscious biases or personal preferences. Hence, you won't have to worry about accidentally discriminating against a candidate based on factors like age, gender, or race—which is not something you want to be caught up in as a hiring manager. 

Tip 5: Maintain eye contact and be aware of your body language

Eye contact is crucial for building rapport with your candidates and showing them that you're engaged in the conversation. While maintaining eye contact is difficult in face-to-face settings, it’s a challenge of its own in virtual environments. How many times have you been distracted by your own image or the other windows open on your computer screen? Exactly. And yet, failing to keep eye contact can make it hard to connect virtually

Being aware of body language is just as important as maintaining eye contact because it can help you pick up on important cues about your candidate's communication style, confidence level, and overall demeanor. Paying attention to these cues, such as posture, facial expressions, and hand gestures, can help you assess how well your candidate is responding to your questions and how comfortable they are in the virtual setting. 

Just like in face-to-face interviews, your body language can influence how your candidate perceives you and your company. So, be sure to sit up straight, make appropriate gestures, and maintain a neutral facial expression. And don't forget to smile! A little bit of friendliness can go a long way in making your candidate feel comfortable and valued.

Tip 6: Share a sense of your company culture 

Sharing your company culture is a great way for you to attract candidates who align with your company values and are a good fit for your team. However, without the benefit of face-to-face interactions, it can be difficult for candidates to get a sense of what your company is all about. 

Hiring managers can get creative and share their company culture during the interview itself. For instance, you can share anecdotes about your company's values, mission, and vision or describe what a typical day looks like at your company. This can help candidates get a glimpse of what it's like to work at your company.

Another creative way to communicate your company culture in virtual settings is to use virtual backgrounds and share photos or videos of your office or team. This can give candidates a peek into your company's physical space and help them feel more connected to your team. You can also ask team members to join the interview and share their experiences working at your company.

You can also highlight any unique perks or benefits that your company offers. Whether it's unlimited vacation time or weekly yoga classes, these perks can help candidates see what sets your company apart from others. Plus, it can help them feel excited about the possibility of joining your team.

Tip 7: Invest in a virtual teleprompter to keep your questions on track

Unlike face-to-face meetings where you have the luxury of having the interview questions in hand and being able to see the candidate at the same time, it can be difficult to do so during online interviews. You’ll find yourself constantly shifting between the screen and the paper (or an open Word document). Not only is this awkward, but you’ll also be constantly breaking eye contact which can look unprofessional. 

A virtual teleprompter application like VODIUM can solve this problem by storing all your interview questions and displaying them right under the camera. This way, you’ll be able to see the interview questions and the candidate at the same time, just like in a face-to-face meeting. Not only this, but you can avoid constantly looking away from the camera and maintain better eye contact with your candidates as well. Yes, you can have the cake and eat it at the same time. 

Wait—it gets better. Using VODIUM’s automatic scrolling feature, you can calibrate the tool to automatically scroll the interview questions as you conduct the interview. This means you can divert your full focus on what the candidate has to say without going through the trouble of trying to click the next question. The tool integrates seamlessly into video conferencing software like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx allowing hiring managers such as yourself to just plug in and get going!

VODIUM: The hiring manager’s secret to seamless virtual interviews

The corporate world is becoming increasingly digitized and traditional processes like interviewing are going virtual today. While this presents many benefits, hiring managers may find it challenging to transition into this new setting. 

However, leveraging the right tools, such as virtual teleprompter software, can alleviate most of these problems and make virtual interviews a breeze. To learn more about how you can take your interviewing skills to the next level, or to start your free trial of VODIUM’s teleprompter, check out VODIUM today!