How to Ace a One-Way Interview: A Candidate's Guide

Written by Team VODIUM | Jun 7, 2023 1:00:00 PM

As more companies adopt remote hiring practices, one-way interviews have become increasingly popular in the recruitment process. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, knowing how to ace a one-way interview is a must-have skill in today’s corporate world. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at one-way interviews, explore their pros and cons, and equip you with everything you need to know to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

What is a one-way video interview?

A one-way interview is a type of asynchronous video interview in which candidates answer a set of questions presented to them through a virtual platform. Unlike traditional interviews, where the interviewer and candidate interact in real-time, one-way interviews allow candidates to record their answers to predetermined questions and submit them for review by the employer.

The use of one-way interviews has increased in popularity recently because many businesses around the world have adopted the remote-first working model since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveys demonstrate a nearly 30% increase in the use of pre-recorded interviews in the last year, and this number is only set to rise moving forward. 

What are the pros of a one-way interview?

One-way interviews can help streamline the hiring process, allowing employers to assess a large number of candidates quickly and efficiently. This is particularly useful for companies that receive a high volume of applications, where it may be challenging to schedule individual interviews with all candidates. This allows employers to screen candidates and identify the best fit for the role more efficiently, saving time and resources.

This approach is a great way to reduce bias in the hiring process because it provides a standardized interview experience for all candidates. By using the same set of pre-recorded questions for all candidates, employers can ensure that each applicant is assessed based on the same criteria. This can help to reduce the impact of unconscious biases, such as the interviewer's first impression or non-verbal cues, which can influence traditional interviews.

As remote work becomes the new normal today, companies are more open to hiring candidates from overseas because of lower costs. As a result, one-way interviews offer greater flexibility to both employers and candidates. Candidates can record their responses to the questions at a time that suits them, without having to worry about scheduling conflicts or time zone differences. Employers can review the recordings at their convenience and share them with other members of the hiring team, allowing for more collaboration and transparency in the decision-making process.

What are the cons of a one-way interview?

While one-way interviews offer many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. Firstly, one-way interviews may not provide a complete picture of the candidate's abilities or fit for the role. Without the opportunity for follow-up questions or real-time interaction, employers may miss out on valuable insights into a candidate's problem-solving skills, communication style, and other critical attributes.

Furthermore, one-way interviews can feel impersonal and unengaging for candidates. With no real-time interaction or personal connection with the interviewer, candidates may struggle to convey their enthusiasm for the role or showcase their personality effectively. This can make it difficult for employers to assess a candidate's cultural fit or potential contribution to the team.

One-way interviews may not be suitable for all roles or industries. In some cases, the ability to interact with a candidate in real-time or assess their practical skills may be essential, such as for customer-facing or technical roles. Additionally, candidates with disabilities or neurodiverse traits may find one-way interviews challenging, as they may require additional support or adjustments to ensure a fair assessment

4 essential one-way interview tips for candidates

Tip 1: Preparation is key 

Preparing for a one-way interview is crucial to ensuring that you present your best self and stand out from the competition. Firstly, take notes on the questions provided and spend some time preparing your responses. Ask yourself:

  • What area of expertise are they testing?
  • What is the time duration?
  • What skills and qualities are they looking for?
  • Any company-specific requirements that I should adhere to?

It’s also important to make sure you have enough time to record your responses before the deadline. Plan ahead and schedule some time to complete the interview in a quiet and distraction-free environment. Check your calendar and make sure you're not rushed or interrupted during the recording process—you don’t want a family member or phone notification interrupting you!

It's also essential to test your audio and recording equipment ahead of time to ensure everything is working correctly. Check your internet connection and make sure you have a stable and reliable connection to avoid any technical issues during the interview.

Tip 2: Dress for success

Dressing appropriately for a one-way interview is just as important as it would be for an in-person interview. Although the interviewer won't see you in person, your appearance still matters. Dressing professionally can not only help you feel more confident but also shows the interviewer that you take the interview seriously and are committed to presenting your best self.

In addition to dressing appropriately, it's also essential to ensure that your background is clean and appropriate for a professional setting. A pile of clothes or a stack of documents sitting in the background doesn’t tend to give off a positive impression of your organizational skills! Fortunately, thanks to advancements in technology, you can filter out your background or replace it with a clean, virtual one. Candidates can browse through thousands of overlays in Zoom’s in-built library and have a professional background without the clutter or distractions. 

Tip 3: Keep eye contact

Since 55% of communication is non-verbal, candidates can be severely restricted in how much they can express themselves in one-way interviews. An excellent way to exude confidence and improve engagement even in virtual settings is by maintaining proper eye contact. 

However, candidates may feel awkward when trying to speak “to a camera” instead of a real person and feel unnatural to keep their focus locked into one place. This is made worse when they’re constantly sifting through paper containing the interview questions or switching between the video screen and the word processor file. 

A top-notch virtual teleprompter app like VODIUM can remove that headache and make one-way interviewing a breeze. 

So how does it work? 

The VODIUM app sits behind the camera and allows you to store and display your interview questions while you record your response. As a result, instead of frantically shuffling through pages and pages of interview questions, you could just see them from the screen—and it’ll look like you’re making eye contact with the interviewer, even though you're looking at the camera!

Wait—it gets better. You can choose to let the interview questions automatically scroll using VODIUM’s automatic scroll feature so that you can fully divert your attention to delivering the answers to the questions without having to worry about when to manually scroll. By using a virtual teleprompter app, you can increase your chances of success in the one-way interview and demonstrate your professionalism and preparedness.

Tip 4: Practice makes perfect!

Your hands start sweating, your heart pounds faster, and you find yourself stuttering—yes, we’ve all felt anxious and nervous during an interview, whether it be in-person or virtual. An excellent solution to overcome this is having mock interviews with someone or recording yourself. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll feel during the interview. 

Practicing will help you identify any areas where you need to improve, such as pacing, tone, or body language. It allows you to refine your answers, improve your delivery, and become more comfortable with the format of the interview. What’s more, a virtual teleprompter app can help you assess whether you’re maintaining eye contact and staying on track during the interview.

If you use the in-person approach, you have the added advantage of obtaining constructive criticism from a third person. Practicing with someone else also allows you to get used to answering questions under pressure and can help you feel more comfortable and confident during the actual interview. 

Record your one-way video interview with confidence with VODIUM

As you prepare for your interview, it can be beneficial to approach a one-way interview just as you would a face-to-face interview, putting the same time and care into your preparation and presentation. However, it can be tough to feel the added pressure of adapting to a virtual setting on top of trying to deliver your best performance! That’s where VODIUM comes in. 

VODIUM’s teleprompter app is all that you need to record and nail that one-way interview, without having to worry about where to place your notes. To learn more about how you can take your interviewing skills to the next level, or to start your free trial of VODIUM’s teleprompter, check out VODIUM today!