How to Give a Killer Presentation

Written by Team VODIUM | May 9, 2023 5:46:22 PM

Here's a list of some tricks and tips for giving a presentation like a pro. And why adding a desktop teleprompter built as a remote work tool can help.

1. Put your camera at your eye level when you give a presentation

Your video presentation is important to you. You’ve put in the work. You. Are A Badass. And now your virtual audience can see your full face while on camera. When setting up for your next at-home video presentation, consider positioning your laptop to be at eye-level. Even setting your laptop or desktop screen on top of a stack of a few books can be an easy hack to bringing your camera up to your desired angle. Or invest in an adjustable laptop stand.

PRO-TIP: Ensuring your camera is at eye level doesn’t just help you deliver your presentation looking your best–it’s also really, really good for you. Here are a few ergonomic laptop setup tips and why prioritizing the right angle can alleviate stress in your neck or spine: Learn more here.

2. A desktop teleprompter can make a good presentation even better

In public speaking etiquette 101, typically looking down at your notes the whole time is considered a poor tactic in getting your audience to stay engaged. A common question might be then:

“Is it possible to deliver my presentation in its entirety while maintaining eye contact with my audience on video?”

The answer is yes with VODIUM: the world’s first virtual podium. This scrolling desktop teleprompter is easy to use and here to help. All you need to do is paste your text or notes, choose a speed setting, a desired font size and begin. It’s that simple. No more staring down at your notes. No more nervously scribbling on Post-It notes and sticking them to your screen near the camera. With VODIUM, you can take back control of your virtual presentations. You can look at your audience as you would “back in the old days”. It’s basically the virtual helping hand you didn’t know you’ve been reaching for.

PRO-TIP: Try VODIUM’s FREE 14-day trial for your next 2021 video conference.

3. All great presentations start with great lighting

Do not give presentations with your back to the window lest you end up looking like a silhouette portrait. Instead face your window so the natural light shines on you, and doesn’t turn you into a silhouette.

Another hack is bringing in small lamps or string lights from other rooms into the room where you’ll be presenting. Then plug them in behind your computer. Turn your camera on, check yourself out, and say, “Wow. Look at you.”

PRO-TIP: If your job requires many video presentations, you can always invest in a Ring Light, or any other lights specifically made for being on camera. Learn more here.

4. A script can help you deliver an excellent presentation

Just writing in bullet points can be messy. If your speech is written in bullet points, you might find yourself improvising much of your presentation. This might cause a lack of focus in what you have to say and you might miss things that are important for your audience to hear.

Rather than making a few speech notes, write everything down.

Scripting your speech or presentation beforehand and using a desktop teleprompter can help you feel more confident and organized. You’ll look like a pro.

PRO-TIP: We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: VODIUM – a desktop teleprompter is your new best friend when preparing for your next video presentation. Script your speech and paste it to this desktop teleprompter and you’ll never again need to worry about memorizing your entire speech. Watch how VODIUM works here.

5. Move around and re-adjust to get the right mindset

So, now that you know to make eye contact and have a smashing script loaded onto a groundbreaking on screen teleprompter, what comes next? Learning how to present with the same energy that you had before you started working from home.

One of the biggest things we’re missing in life today is change of scenery. If you have the space, try to have your home-office in its own room. Implement a morning routine where you can wake up and “go into work”. If you don’t have this luxury, you still deserve the benefit of this routine. It not only requires physical effort, but emotional effort too.

The main thing is to feel a new sense of energy through moving around. In the past, you may have moved around a lot before you had to go to a big meeting. Nowadays that’s literally not happening. So try to recreate that feeling. Before you present like a pro, step away from your computer. Go to the bathroom, do a few jumping-jacks, practice smiling, or quickly grab something from the kitchen. Anything that can help you get a new, re-energized mindset.

6. Get dressed before giving a presentation

Pro presenters never step up to the Podium (or Vodium) without practicing first!

All the revolutionary apps and expert tips for a good presentation can’t help you if you insist on presenting in your PJs. We get that one of the perks of the at-home virtual work-life is that parts of you won’t ever be seen by your audience. But impressions are still important, especially in virtual spaces. Dressing up for a video presentation might seem like it has little effect on the outcome, but that little bit goes a long way in capturing the attention of your audience. But since you’re in the comfort of your own home, why would you get fully dressed? Remember, getting dressed is more so for your mindset. It can help give you a boost of confidence and excitement. How would you dress in person for a big pitch? Well, go ahead. Channel that beauty!

PRO-TIP: If all it takes is just a bit of lipstick or a crisp shirt, go comfy on bottom. If you feel more energized in a pair of running shoes and sweats – do you.

7. An interrupted presentation is not a great presentation

Try to find a space that has minimal noise and minimal echoing. It doesn’t matter where as long as it’s quiet. This could mean you might be presenting in your bedroom, your bathroom, your outdoor patio–it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s quiet and you can focus on your presentation.

Whether you live with roommates, with children, with pets, or in a place all your own: find that spot in your home that’s juuussttt right.

PRO-TIP: Record yourself presenting your keynotes in different spots at home before you present. Playing them back, you’ll be able to hear what room offers least amount of noise.

8. Ensure excellent audio quality

If #7 just isn’t happening, no worries. This could mean investing in an external independent microphone so that your audience can hear every word. Using a high quality microphone or a decent headset will give you control over isolating your audio with ease.

PRO-TIP: Use a noise canceling app, like Krisp, and you’ll never have to worry about your environment being too loud for your virtual presentation. Learn more here.

9. Hide your mess before presenting to an audience

Absolutely no judgment here. But it’s easy to forget. Before working from home, you may have only been accustomed to in-person presentations, which don’t require you to pick up your laundry or clear off your desk. Before you enter your video conference, turn on your camera and adjust it to be angled how you’d like to be seen. Then check out your background. You know that whatever you’re seeing, your audience, too, can see it. Keeping your area tidy and minimal not only helps keep you focused and stress-free but it can do the same for your audience. If time is not on your side, easily and quickly hide your mess in a pinch using the background changes on the video conferencing platform.

PRO-TIP: If you’re going to rely on a background-changing capability for most of your video presentations, you might want to invest in a green screen. Learn more here.

10. Practice, practice, and see also: practice

Practicing for your video presentation without a desktop teleprompter is like practicing for your baseball game without a glove on. With a desktop teleprompter, you can control the scroll speed of your text and keep your eyes from looking down at your notes. In preparation for your next video presentation, opt out of practicing your speech in the mirror. Instead, use your laptop or desktop camera you’ll be presenting in front of and record yourself. Using the desktop teleprompter, VODIUM, you’ll be able to keep your eyes facing forward, seamlessly deliver your message word for word, and keep that Ring light lighting from going to waste.