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Follow These Teleprompter Tips for using a Clear Speech Teleprompter Like VODIUM
Team VODIUM5 min read

Teleprompter Tips for using a Clear Speech Teleprompter Like Vodium

Hey friends! It’s Gracie from VODIUM tuning in. I’m here to walk you through 5 questions to ask yourself before using a virtual teleprompter.

Video conferencing platforms are the new gathering places, the new classrooms, and the new offices of our upended lives. Chances are by now you probably accepted that your virtual presentations are simply not going to run as smoothly as presentations in person. But a virtual teleprompter changes that. From speeches to lectures to sermons to presentations,  reading from a teleprompter helps you deliver your message with ease and keep your eyes on your audience – the camera. Before trying out a virtual teleprompter for your next presentation, ask yourself these questions to tell if it’s the tool you need.

1. Do I have a teleprompter script (and if not, should I) that I will be reading?

If your speech is written down or typed out, you probably practiced by reading it out loud word-for-word. The caveat is: how do you deliver your speech without memorizing it or looking down at your notes so much?

Here’s the secret: transparent teleprompter.

VODIUM is a virtual teleprompter that functions just like a traditional teleprompter. The app allows you to add in your script, and read it word for word while it scrolls at the perfect speed for you. This allows you to focus on your presentation, delivery, and eye contact. Instead of worrying about missing a line or looking down at your notes. VODIUM is also super easy to use. So don’t worry about learning all the bells and whistles of another app. Literally, just copy and paste your speech, hit start, and deliver a flawless speech in no time.

If you don’t script out your speeches or important presentations, consider doing so. It helps you feel more prepared, more in control, and say everything you mean to say. And with VODIUM, no one will be the wiser.

2. Do I want to feel in control and confident again? (Will a virtual reading teleprompter help?)

If you answer, “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes,” try VODIUM for your next virtual event, because…

We know how important it is for your virtual presentations to have the same impact that an in-person speech might have. So, what fills the void when you’re not in person?  A virtual teleprompter. With VODIUM, you don’t have to feel unprepared or lacking control with your virtual speech. You have your notes or script right in front of you allowing you to deliver flawlessly, and you can make eye contact to truly connect with your audience. Because your voice needs to be heard and listened to in its entirety.

3. Do I to look down at my notes often? Will learning how to read a virtual teleprompter help?

If the answer is yes and more than once, then a virtual teleprompter is just what you need. When you learn how to read from a teleprompter and practice your presentation in front of a mirror, you are seeing yourself the way you want your audience to see you. Maintaining eye contact with your audience is vital in keeping them focused and engaged. Virtual presentations don’t have to lose that simply because you’re presenting remotely.

VODIUM keeps you from looking up and down or back and forth at your notes and instead allows you to deliver your most important presentations with ease. This adjustable scrolling Zoom teleprompter allows you to read your speech directly beneath the camera at whatever speed you’re most comfortable with. Instead of your mirror, next time try a virtual teleprompter to rehearse and deliver.

4.Can I see the Zoom video conference while reading a teleprompter?

If you want to read your script or notes while also being able to see the Zoom video conference, then VODIUM is the right teleprompter for you. VODIUM is uniquely designed to sit on top of Zoom, and also gives you the ability to adjust the transparency of the app. This means if you need to simultaneously see your slides, your speaker notes or script, and your audience (to gauge their reactions), you can do so all at once. On the flip side, if you don’t want to be distracted by the grid of faces looking back at you, you can also make VODIUM totally opaque and just focus on what you’re trying to say.

Additionally, VODIUM works with any web conferencing platform. No Zoom, no problem. VODIUM is a desktop app, so it’s compatible with whatever you’re using. This includes Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex and many others. Of course you can always keep VODIUM hidden in the background until it’s your time to present.

5.Do I know how to use teleprompters through interruptions and can the speech teleprompter help me here?

VODIUM is a functional and adjustable clear teleprompter built for any virtual presentation situation. And it doesn’t use WiFi.

As an app that sits on top of your Zoom video conference, even when WiFi fails, your virtual teleprompter won’t.

If you or someone in your virtual event audience loses connection—or likewise, if there’s any other unforeseen interruption—it’s all good. One of the perks of a virtual teleprompter like VODIUM is you have the ability to stop and start the scrolling speech notes whenever need be. You can pause your speech for as long as you need. This can come in handy if there’s ever,

  • A loss of WiFi
  • If your speech is more of a discussion and you need to pause for questions
  • If you’re simply taking a moment to pause and interact with your audience

VODIUM is a virtual teleprompter that works with you, not against you.